MARCH 28-30, 2025
Do you long to hear from God or simply experience God's presence? Come away and discover how silence can help you to "be still and know" whatever it is you may need to know or receive from God. Allow God to speak to your heart and renew your soul!
If you have never been on a silent retreat and are nervous or unsure about being silent, I get it! So was I my first time. That’s why I’m providing plenty of guidance and optional group times to help you navigate the silence and feel less unsure. If you sense any tug on your heart to give this retreat a try, I encourage you to listen to that nudging of the Holy Spirit and come ease into silence with me. There is always a blessing waiting when we allow ourselves to be still and know.
WHERE: Sacred Heart Monastery, Cullman, AL
WHEN: March 28 - 30, 2025 / 3:00 pm - 3:00 pm CST, Friday to Sunday
COST: $370 — Includes 2 nights lodging, 6 meals, retreat booklet and guidance, optional group prayer/devotion sessions, 1 individual spiritual direction session, activities/materials for alone time, beautiful monastery grounds and spaces including a chapel and prayer labyrinth, option of participating in the prayer services of the nuns
If you have never been on a silent retreat and are nervous or unsure about being silent, I get it! So was I my first time. That’s why I’m providing plenty of guidance and optional group times to help you navigate the silence and feel less unsure. If you sense any tug on your heart to give this retreat a try, I encourage you to listen to that nudging of the Holy Spirit and come ease into silence with me. There is always a blessing waiting when we allow ourselves to be still and know.
WHERE: Sacred Heart Monastery, Cullman, AL
WHEN: March 28 - 30, 2025 / 3:00 pm - 3:00 pm CST, Friday to Sunday
COST: $370 — Includes 2 nights lodging, 6 meals, retreat booklet and guidance, optional group prayer/devotion sessions, 1 individual spiritual direction session, activities/materials for alone time, beautiful monastery grounds and spaces including a chapel and prayer labyrinth, option of participating in the prayer services of the nuns
MAY 2-4, 2025

Do you know God loves you but sometimes struggle to feel it? Do you long to be accepted and loved just as you are—by God and by others? Do you simply long for a greater awareness of God's love? If so, Beloved is for you!
You're invited to "come as you are" and be loved! During this intimate retreat experience, you will be seen, known, and loved by other women who, like you, are seeking a deeper experience of God's love. With an intentionally small number of participants, you'll experience refreshing intimacy and plenty of space to be heard, to listen, to receive, and to rest.
During the retreat we will be guided by Ephesians 3:18-19 as we walk through Psalm 139 together, making space for authentic sharing, compassionate listening, silent reflection and rest, and experiences of God's unconditional love through a variety of practices and exercises.
Here are just some of the gifts you'll receive as a participant in the Beloved Retreat:
(See below for fee and additional details.)
Comments from Past Participants
"This retreat was such a beautiful and needed experience! The loving community I felt almost immediately was nothing short of a miracle for me. Sally's teaching is deeply rooted in the Word and was such an encouragement to my soul. The imaginative prayer was water for my soul and I continue to reflect on what I learned. I cannot wait to start listening on a daily basis and journaling what I hear God say. Thank you so much for offering this beautiful experience." —Rose T.
"Sally beautifully balanced times of sharing and times of reflection. The opportunity to have quiet time made it so special, the opportunity to soak it all in and listen to God's voice quietly prompting me to embrace what He alone had brought to my heart and mind. I know Sally's heart is to be a conduit for the Lord and it radiates from her. You would be blessed, as I was, to be a part of upcoming retreat opportunities." —Patty
Through much preparation done by Sally, and because of the prayers of many people, the spiritual table was set and the Holy Spirit’s presence was evident. We were buoyed by prayer. That is the only explanation for the freedom and depth and vulnerability with which people shared. —Mary
Beautiful, peaceful and healing are the three words that I would use to describe this weekend. I have never felt the Grace and love of God more. —Karen W.
Thank you for this weekend! I appreciate you following God’s calling and leading us through a beautiful time of renewal, encouragement, and self discovery. There were so many times when my soul was ministered to. It would be impossible to choose just one to tell which had the most impact on me. God touched me this weekend and I know without doubt my life will never be the same. —Susan R.
The retreat was a time of rest, being wrapped in a soft blanket of love, nurture, and safety, which set the stage for the women attending to be conduits of that same energy. The gift of this retreat: a new relationship between a loving God and His beloved daughter. Thank you, Sally! You have a calm presence and lead a beautiful retreat! —Mary Dean
I am still basking in the warmth of it all. This is one of the few retreats of my life that I was not quite ready to go home! —Angela
I have been struggling for a while with my understanding of how God is a part of my life. I was at a place of confusion...and the retreat addressed all of my needs. I loved the bond with all of those in attendance. I was amazed at how Sally led us to ways to build on our relationship with God wherever we were on our journey. The openness and acceptance of the group quickly ensured me my choice to attend a Beloved Retreat was exactly what I needed right when I needed it. —Sherry
I was hesitant about what to expect on the retreat, but the exercises we did gradually led me into a closer listening to what God was saying. It really prompted me to be still and listen to the Holy Spirit. I would recommend this retreat if you feel a prompting in your spirit. You will know, and pray not to be complacent but to say yes. —Glenda
The timing of this retreat was significant to me. I just felt that I needed some Christian support and to have a deeper relationship with the Lord and others. I don't have the words to express how gloriously the Lord fulfilled my needs. —MM
"The retreat was a wonderfully intimate time, experiencing God's love through prayer and fellowship." —CJ
"The retreat offered me an experience of being in community while also experiencing God in my own way. It was a good mix of group and individual or partner time."
"Sally did an excellent job of making everyone feel welcome and a part of the group. She created a sense of safety where we could be vulnerable and authentic. Every woman received and experienced God in her own unique way."
"I experienced God's love through the quiet moments and reflection. My invitation from God is to spend more time in silence and listening to what He has to say."
"Sally's leadership and guidance helped bring us all forward."
"I appreciated the earlier bedtime and later mornings compared to other retreats that I have attended, which left me feeling sleep deprived."
"A nice balance of communion and personal reflection. A wonderful experience!"
"My goodness--8 women of varying ages and life experience were bound together by God!"
"I left so many worries, anger, and resentment at Jesus' feet."
When: May 2-4, 2025
Where: Soul Care Retreat Center, 11 miles SE of Columbia, TN
Cost: $350 (Includes 2 nights lodging, 5 meals, snacks, a gift and gift bag, and retreat booklet, teaching/guidance, and materials)
You're invited to "come as you are" and be loved! During this intimate retreat experience, you will be seen, known, and loved by other women who, like you, are seeking a deeper experience of God's love. With an intentionally small number of participants, you'll experience refreshing intimacy and plenty of space to be heard, to listen, to receive, and to rest.
During the retreat we will be guided by Ephesians 3:18-19 as we walk through Psalm 139 together, making space for authentic sharing, compassionate listening, silent reflection and rest, and experiences of God's unconditional love through a variety of practices and exercises.
Here are just some of the gifts you'll receive as a participant in the Beloved Retreat:
- A safe, intimate group offering you acceptance and belonging
- Nourishing food and fellowship
- Rejuvenating laughter
- Beautiful scenery and surroundings
- Time to be heard and time to listen
- Personal, healing experiences of God's love and grace
- Freedom to be who you are, how you are, where you are on your journey
- Space to receive and rest in God's love
- A growing awareness of how to listen to yourself, God, and others
- The opportunity to connect with God in meaningful ways
- A deeper sense of God's loving presence and guidance
- A personal gift bag and other expressions of love
(See below for fee and additional details.)
Comments from Past Participants
"This retreat was such a beautiful and needed experience! The loving community I felt almost immediately was nothing short of a miracle for me. Sally's teaching is deeply rooted in the Word and was such an encouragement to my soul. The imaginative prayer was water for my soul and I continue to reflect on what I learned. I cannot wait to start listening on a daily basis and journaling what I hear God say. Thank you so much for offering this beautiful experience." —Rose T.
"Sally beautifully balanced times of sharing and times of reflection. The opportunity to have quiet time made it so special, the opportunity to soak it all in and listen to God's voice quietly prompting me to embrace what He alone had brought to my heart and mind. I know Sally's heart is to be a conduit for the Lord and it radiates from her. You would be blessed, as I was, to be a part of upcoming retreat opportunities." —Patty
Through much preparation done by Sally, and because of the prayers of many people, the spiritual table was set and the Holy Spirit’s presence was evident. We were buoyed by prayer. That is the only explanation for the freedom and depth and vulnerability with which people shared. —Mary
Beautiful, peaceful and healing are the three words that I would use to describe this weekend. I have never felt the Grace and love of God more. —Karen W.
Thank you for this weekend! I appreciate you following God’s calling and leading us through a beautiful time of renewal, encouragement, and self discovery. There were so many times when my soul was ministered to. It would be impossible to choose just one to tell which had the most impact on me. God touched me this weekend and I know without doubt my life will never be the same. —Susan R.
The retreat was a time of rest, being wrapped in a soft blanket of love, nurture, and safety, which set the stage for the women attending to be conduits of that same energy. The gift of this retreat: a new relationship between a loving God and His beloved daughter. Thank you, Sally! You have a calm presence and lead a beautiful retreat! —Mary Dean
I am still basking in the warmth of it all. This is one of the few retreats of my life that I was not quite ready to go home! —Angela
I have been struggling for a while with my understanding of how God is a part of my life. I was at a place of confusion...and the retreat addressed all of my needs. I loved the bond with all of those in attendance. I was amazed at how Sally led us to ways to build on our relationship with God wherever we were on our journey. The openness and acceptance of the group quickly ensured me my choice to attend a Beloved Retreat was exactly what I needed right when I needed it. —Sherry
I was hesitant about what to expect on the retreat, but the exercises we did gradually led me into a closer listening to what God was saying. It really prompted me to be still and listen to the Holy Spirit. I would recommend this retreat if you feel a prompting in your spirit. You will know, and pray not to be complacent but to say yes. —Glenda
The timing of this retreat was significant to me. I just felt that I needed some Christian support and to have a deeper relationship with the Lord and others. I don't have the words to express how gloriously the Lord fulfilled my needs. —MM
"The retreat was a wonderfully intimate time, experiencing God's love through prayer and fellowship." —CJ
"The retreat offered me an experience of being in community while also experiencing God in my own way. It was a good mix of group and individual or partner time."
"Sally did an excellent job of making everyone feel welcome and a part of the group. She created a sense of safety where we could be vulnerable and authentic. Every woman received and experienced God in her own unique way."
"I experienced God's love through the quiet moments and reflection. My invitation from God is to spend more time in silence and listening to what He has to say."
"Sally's leadership and guidance helped bring us all forward."
"I appreciated the earlier bedtime and later mornings compared to other retreats that I have attended, which left me feeling sleep deprived."
"A nice balance of communion and personal reflection. A wonderful experience!"
"My goodness--8 women of varying ages and life experience were bound together by God!"
"I left so many worries, anger, and resentment at Jesus' feet."
When: May 2-4, 2025
Where: Soul Care Retreat Center, 11 miles SE of Columbia, TN
Cost: $350 (Includes 2 nights lodging, 5 meals, snacks, a gift and gift bag, and retreat booklet, teaching/guidance, and materials)
SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2025
Are you tired of trying harder, striving to do or be better, feeling you don't "measure up"? Or perhaps because of all that trying—and the emotions that often accompany it—you sometimes feel you're "too much"? If that resonates with you, you're invited to come away with a small group of women who know what that's like to explore together how God is more than enough so that you don't have to be. You'll take steps toward breaking free from performance-based living and learning how to rest in God's all-sufficient and never-failing love and grace.
More Than Enough builds on the content of the Beloved retreat and is a wonderful follow-up to that experience. The retreat offers you...
When: September 12-14, 2025
Where: Soul Care Retreat Center, 11 miles SE of Columbia, TN
Cost: $350 (Includes 2 nights lodging, 5 meals and snacks, a personal gift bag, a retreat booklet including teaching content/guidance, other retreat materials)
More Than Enough builds on the content of the Beloved retreat and is a wonderful follow-up to that experience. The retreat offers you...
- An intimate group providing emotional safety, acceptance, and belonging
- Time for fellowship and community with other women
- Time to spend alone with God
- Encouragement and help for the journey to greater freedom in Christ
- Contemplative exercises for personal application
- A personal gift bag and other expressions of love
When: September 12-14, 2025
Where: Soul Care Retreat Center, 11 miles SE of Columbia, TN
Cost: $350 (Includes 2 nights lodging, 5 meals and snacks, a personal gift bag, a retreat booklet including teaching content/guidance, other retreat materials)
The Spiritual exercises of saint ignatius
A Retreat in Daily Life
(19th Annotation)
SEPTEMBER - MAY annually
Do you want to go deeper with God? Would you like to experience more of God's intimate love so that it truly transforms your life? If so, the Spiritual Exercises may be God's invitation to you in this season. The Exercises are a collection of meditations, prayers, and contemplative exercises that deepen your relationship with God as you journey with Jesus through imaginative prayer, entering into the Gospel stories and allowing his story to speak into yours. I offer a nine-month Retreat in Daily Life for individuals—an immersive, transformative experience.
- Daily Prayer time that includes scripture meditation, prayer (often imaginative prayer), some journaling, and a simple daily Examen practice (approximately 1 hour/day)
- Weekly spiritual direction, in person or online, 60 minutes
Mid-September to Mid-May
$180 monthly (includes weekly guides and weekly spiritual direction sessions for 9 months; sliding scale available)
If you have attended a retreat in the past and would like to pay it forward for someone else, or you'd simply like to bless someone who would be unable to attend without financial assistance, please consider making a Retreat Scholarship donation.